The Union Health Ministry, in an exciting development, has reached out to Delhi, Odisha, and West Bengal, urging them to join the prestigious Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) scheme. This call to action seeks to bring quality healthcare within everyone's reach. The AB-PMJAY program, often hailed as a beacon of hope, provides an impressive annual health coverage of ₹5 lakh per family.
The clarion call for unity came during the grand inauguration of Arogya Manthan, a celebration marking five years of PM-JAY and two years of the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM). Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare, S.P. Singh Baghel, spoke passionately about how Ayushman Bharat stands as India's paramount government welfare initiative, leveling the playing field and granting the underprivileged access to top-notch medical care. It is, after all, a noble endeavor that transforms lives for the better.
Image from MoneyControl : India’s most populous states struggling to utilise Centre’s flagship health insurance scheme (
To make the occasion even more exhilarating, awards were bestowed upon states and union territories that have exhibited exceptional dedication to implementing PM-JAY and ABDM in various categories. Kerala, a giant among the states, secured the award for the highest number of treatments, while Meghalaya and Puducherry triumphed in the small state and union territory categories, respectively.
Moreover, in the realm of gender equity service delivery, Karnataka, Meghalaya, and Jammu and Kashmir emerged victorious in the large state, small state, and union territory categories, respectively. This recognition is a testament to their tireless efforts in ensuring that healthcare knows no gender boundaries.
The accomplishments achieved under these programs are nothing short of awe-inspiring. Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare, Bharati Pravin Pawar, emphasized their vital role in shaping the foundation of a robust and thriving nation. The numbers speak volumes – around 5.59 crore hospital admissions under PM-JAY and a whopping 27,343 hospitals participating in Ayushman Bharat, offering cashless and portable treatment options. These achievements underscore the impact of these programs in revolutionizing healthcare access. The Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM), operating in mission mode, has been pivotal in constructing a digital health ecosystem to support universal health coverage. With more than 45 crore ABHA IDs in existence, 2,19,546 health facilities registered, and approximately 2,28,794 healthcare professionals onboarded under ABDM, it's clear that healthcare services are reaching new heights through the power of digital tools. The shared objective is to guarantee affordable and high-quality healthcare access for all beneficiaries, using Ayushman Cards as a catalyst for this noble cause. This journey of building a healthier nation continues with unwavering determination.
Sudhansh Pant, Health Secretary, shared remarkable statistics that showcase the relentless commitment to healthcare accessibility. An astounding 177 PM-JAY cards are created every minute, with 30 hospital admissions following suit. Notably, almost half of these admissions benefit women, emphasizing the program's inclusivity and gender sensitivity. On an average, eight hospitals are empanelled each day, further strengthening the healthcare infrastructure.
At this grand event, the National Health Authority Annual Report and Best Practices and Innovations 2022-23 from different states and union territories for PM-JAY and ABDM were unveiled. These publications offer valuable insights into the extraordinary progress achieved and the innovative approaches adopted in the realm of healthcare access. They serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration, guiding the nation toward a brighter and healthier future.